Round Wooden Logo Sign, Office Sign for Wall, Wooden Logo, Custom Laser Cut Sign

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A wooden log logo is an elegant option for companies looking for a touch of naturalness and elegance in their logo. The log logos offer a warm and authentic appearance, while transmitting a message of quality and refinement.

Made from quality wood, these logos have a neat and durable finish. Wood is renowned for its strength and durability, which ensures that your logo will remain in good condition for a long time.

The log logos are created using laser engraving techniques, which allows great precision in detail and sharpness in outline. This method offers the possibility of making logos with fine and delicate elements, such as lines or small letters.

The round appearance of the wood gives the logos a harmonious and organic aesthetic. This shape suits different logo design styles, whether for modern, traditional or eco-friendly brands.

In summary, a log logo is an elegant and natural choice for companies that want to add a touch of sophistication to their brand image. Whether you're looking to create a logo for a high-end company, an eco-friendly company, or a traditional business, a log logo offers versatility that fits different industries.

Some key features :

  • Natural material : Round wood brings an organic and warm touch to your logo, creating a connection with nature.
  • Resistance : The log logos are strong and resistant, ensuring a long life and great sturdiness.
  • Unique aesthetic : Each piece of wood has its own unique veins and patterns, which makes each log logo unique and authentic.
  • Ease of installation : The log logos can be easily installed on different supports such as walls, signs or advertising media.
  • Versatility : Log logos are suitable for a variety of businesses, whether they are eco-brands, designer boutiques or craft businesses.
  • Easy maintenance : Log logs require little maintenance. You just need to dust them regularly with a soft cloth to keep them in good condition.

  • Thickness: 18mm

Considering these important aspects, you can choose a log logo that reflects the elegance, nature, and durability of your business.


  • Colour : Roundwood has a light, natural color with shades ranging from pale blond to light brown. This color palette brings a fresh and bright feel to your log logo.
  • Design : Roundwood can be shaped into different shapes and sizes to create a unique and personalized logo. Whether you prefer a simple, clean design or a more intricate design, roundwood offers great flexibility to meet your aesthetic needs.
  • Use : Log logos are often used by companies that want to communicate an ecological, natural and environmentally friendly image. They are also suitable for businesses that value simplicity, authenticity and timeless beauty.
  • Maintenance : To maintain the beauty and durability of your log logo, it is recommended that you clean it regularly with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals that could damage the wood.

By considering these elements, you can choose a log logo that reflects your company's identity and values. Whether conveying a message of sustainability, simplicity, or connecting with nature, a log logo offers an elegant aesthetic and authenticity that is sure to grab the attention of your target audience.
